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Join Our Free Webinar & Live Nurse Q&A + get £50 off a Scan & Consultation – Monday 17th February 6pm

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Medical Director

Professor Geeta Nargund is the award-winning Medical Director of abc ivf.

She is also the Medical Director of CREATE Fertility, our sister clinic, and a Senior Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead Consultant for Reproductive Medicine services at St George’s Hospital, London.

Professor Nargund is a pioneer in the field of Natural and Mild IVF and Advanced Ultrasound Technology in Reproductive Medicine. She is also an accredited trainer for infertility and gynaecological ultrasound modules at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) London and the British Fertility Society (BFS)


Professor Nargund has pioneered the use of follicular Doppler in assessing egg quality in humans and has published extensively in peer-reviewed scientific papers including abstracts and also several book chapters in the field of reproductive medicine, including the first scientific paper on “Cumulative live birth rates with Natural cycle IVF”.

Professor Geeta Nargund is also a proud Director of The Walking Egg Foundation, a non for profit organisation dedicated to increasing the accessibility of IVF worldwide. For the past 15 years she has actively been involved in researching and developing a way to deliver affordable, fair and equal access to IVF treatment.

She is a co-author of the scientific paper on the innovative Simplified Culture System, also known as 'Shoebox IVF', which allows IVF to be performed without the need for a conventional laboratory. This scientific paper won the 'Robert Edwards Prize' for the best paper of the year in RBMonline in 2014.


  • President of the International Scientific Society for Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction (ISMAAR). Through her leading role, she has been the voice for women’s choice, health and education in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) globally.
  • Co-Editor-In Chief of the European Scientific Journal, Facts, Views and Vision in OBGYN
  • Visiting Professor at various universities; Hasselt University, Medical Faculty (working at Genk University Hospital), Belgium; St Marco University Lima (oldest university in Latin America) and SDM Medical College, India
  • Chief Executive of Create Health Foundation
  • Elected Trustee on the Board of British Red Cross
  • Trustee on the Board of London Emergencies Trust
  • Regular blogger for the Huffington Post on Health and Lifestyle