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Join Our Free Webinar With Live Nurse Q&A – Monday 28th October 6pm

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IVF options for lesbian couples

At abc ivf, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to start a family. If you’re looking to start or grow your family as a lesbian couple then we can help, offering affordable IVF options.

Over the years we’ve supported many lesbian couples trying for a baby and have different IVF treatment options available to suit your needs.

We can offer 3 types of fertility treatment; IVF, IVF with Donor Sperm and also Reciprocal IVF/Shared motherhood.


What are your treatment options?

IVF - During IVF, a woman’s eggs are collected from her ovaries and fertilised with sperm in the laboratory. Any embryos created in this process, will later be placed back into the womb to grow and develop. You can use this package if you have sourced donor sperm from elsewhere.

IVF + Donor Sperm - If you need donor sperm to complete your family, we can help you by offering an affordable IVF Package which includes everything you'll need during your treatment cycle. We can help you find a sperm donor and guide you through each step of your journey to ensure creating your dream family is as straightforward as possible.

Reciprocal IVF/Shared Motherhood - This type of IVF allows both women to play a vital part in the conception, gestation and birth of their child. One partner is the egg donor and the other will receive the embryo and carry the pregnancy. Donor sperm is also required to fertilise the eggs.

IUI -IUI is the process whereby donor sperm is inserted directly into the uterus at the most fertile point of a woman's natural cycle. We don’t offer this treatment at abc ivf, but if you are interested in IUI, you can have it at our sister clinic, CREATE Fertility.


Em & Nerys IVF story

"We were recommended abc ivf by another same sex couple who have had two children with abc’s help. We were especially attracted to the low dose IVF protocols abc ivf use, as we were fortunate to not have any fertility issues but needed treatment to start a family as a same sex couple.

What we found really wonderful about abc was the team’s inclusive approach. We instantly felt welcomed and included as an LGBTQ+ couple. I remember at my first scan, the consultant nurse had a look at my notes and immediately asked about my wife, Nerys, and how she was feeling about things."

Em & Nerys | Same-sex female couple success story
Em & Nerys | Same-sex female couple success story

Am I eligible for treatment at abc ivf?

In order to deliver treatment at abc ivf, the female undergoing treatment needs to meet some simple criteria:

39 Be no older than 39 years old

We can provide treatment to women up to & including 39 years old.

Bmi 32 BMI under 32

The female having treatment needs a BMI no higher than 32 for a consultation then needs to be 30 or under to start treatment.
Calculate my BMI

good-ovarian-reserve.svg Good ovarian reserve

The female having treatment needs a 'normal' or 'good' ovarian reserve, an AMH above 10 is a good indicator.

If you meet these three criteria, we can book you in for your ultrasound scan & consultation. There are some complex medical conditions that could mean you are not eligible for treatment at abc ivf due to our simplified treatment. Your abc clinician will be able to explain if you’re eligible for our treatment after your initial scan and consultation.

Our treatment packages

Reciprocal IVF package
Shared Motherhood Treatment Abc Ivf

Our abc Reciprocal IVF package is a comprehensive and affordable fertility package which includes stimulation medication and monitoring blood tests.

  • Treatment consultation
  • Screening tests for both partners (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C & HIV)
  • Monitoring scans & blood tests (Oestradiol & Luteinizing Hormone)
  • HFEA fee
  • Ovarian stimulation & trigger medication
  • Medication for frozen embryo transfer
  • Expert clinical advice
  • Counselling (elective)
  • Egg collection & sedation
  • Embryo freezing & 2 years storage
  • Thawing & further embryo culture
  • Frozen embryo transfer
  • Early pregnancy scan
  • Follow up consultation
See full details of estimated total treatment costs, package inclusions and exclusions here
Shared Motherhood Treatment Abc Ivf
IVF + Donor sperm

Our abc IVF + Donor Sperm package is a comprehensive and affordable fertility package which includes stimulation medication, monitoring blood tests and donor sperm.

  • Treatment consultation
  • Screening tests (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C & HIV)
  • Monitoring scans & blood tests (Oestradiol & Luteinizing Hormone)
  • Ovarian stimulation and trigger medication
  • Up to 3 weeks luteal support medication (progesterone pessaries)
  • HFEA fee
  • Counselling (elective)
  • Clinical advice
  • Egg collection & sedation
  • Donor sperm
  • Blastocyst culture (if appropriate)
  • Fresh embryo transfer
  • Early pregnancy scan
  • Follow up consultation
See full details of estimated total treatment costs, package inclusions and exclusions here
IVF package

Our abc IVF package is a comprehensive and affordable fertility package which includes stimulation medication and monitoring blood tests.

  • Treatment consultation
  • Screening tests (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C & HIV)
  • Monitoring scans & blood tests (Oestradiol & Luteinizing Hormone)
  • Ovarian stimulation & trigger medication
  • Up to 3 weeks luteal support medication (progesterone pessaries)
  • HFEA fee
  • Counselling (elective)
  • Expert clinical advice
  • Egg collection & sedation
  • Blastocyst culture (if appropriate)
  • Fresh embryo transfer
  • Early pregnancy scan
  • Follow up consultation
See full details of estimated total treatment costs, package inclusions and exclusions here

Frequently asked questions

The first step to starting treatment at our clinic is to book an Initial Consultation and Scan. This is a 45 minute appointment with a specialist Nurse Consultant.

The first part of the appointment includes an advanced Pelvic Assessment Scan which will help us assess your egg reserve, the health of your uterus, endometrium (lining of the womb), ovaries and follicles.

You will then have a consultation with your Consultant who will explain your results, discuss your medical history, answer any questions you may have and talk you through your individualised treatment plan.

If you are ready to go ahead, you can start treatment as soon as your next menstrual cycle.

We work with only recognised and licensed donor banks to provide the best quality sperm. All sperm donors have to be in good health and are screened for sexually transmitted diseases and some genetic disorders. The sperm is assessed as high quality before being approved for donation.

CREATE Fertility Sperm Bank offer international sperm and provide FREE shipping between our clinics.

We also work in partnership with the Cryos International Sperm Bank and the European Sperm Bank where you can access their donor bank and order sperm direct with them.

Generally, there isn’t a waiting list, but it depends on your situation because there is currently a shortage of sperm from BAME communities.