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The launch of abc ivf has taken the world by storm and our transparent approach to IVF is often featured in the press.


Fertility Fitness: Expert Insights For 2024 By Professor Geeta Nargund

15th March 2024

Expert advice from our Medical Professor Geeta Nargund on Fertility Fitness.

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As Lily Allen's fertility comments spark debate...experts blame older MEN for increasing infertility, as research shows sperm begins to 'mutate' after 25

15th March 2024

'For far too long, there has been a commonly accepted falsehood that fertility and the biological clock are solely a woman’s issue,' says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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The Stylist Logo

Do men have a biological clock too? Research reveals that male fertility also declines with age

15th March 2024

When we think of biological clocks, we tend to think of women and how our fertility declines in mid-life. But does the same apply to men?

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The Telegraph

Letter to the editor on the economic impact of falling birth rates

21st February 2024

Letter to the editor from our Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund: on the economic impact of falling birth rates.

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The Lead

Black Women Have Lowest IVF Success Rates In The NHS. Why?

24th January 2024

“We know fertility declines with age, and we are concerned that the data shows Black, Asian and ethnic-minority patients are left behind,” says Dr Geeta Nargund

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Daily Mail Newspaper

It's no surprise the number of women freezing their eggs rose so much during the pandemic... after all, who could find a man in lockdown?

31st December 2023

"By far the biggest key to success is for women to ensure that they freeze their eggs before the age of 36 or 37," says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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The I

I’m considering solo parenthood but it will cost at least £5k for IVF – why won’t the NHS help?

22nd November 2023

“For many single women, fertility treatments offer them the option to have a child when they are ready,” says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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Women choosing risky fertility treatments as cost-of-living impacts finances

30th October 2023

"The findings from FNUK’s research show that the cost-of-living crisis is having an undeniable impact on fertility patients already struggling under financial burden of IVF treatment" says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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Anything Goes (1)

Understanding Male Infertility

18th October 2023

Bylined article by our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund, in anything goes LIFESTYLE.

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Financial Times

Work watch: egg freezing as a benefit for staff

8th October 2023

Comments from our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund on egg freezing as a benefit for staff.

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Inside the booming male fertility industry

1st September 2023

“The eggs from younger women have the capacity to repair the much higher incidence of DNA damage found in the sperm of older males” say Professor Geeta Nargund.

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Financial Times

How fertilty care has a bearing on UK prosperity?

25th August 2023

A letter by our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund, in the Financial Times.

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What Does The UK's First Successful Womb Transplant Mean For The Trans Community?

23rd August 2023

The first live birth from a transplanted uterus actually occurred back in 2014."This is still a huge milestone for women in the UK" says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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How to increase fertility: 40 ways to boost your chances of getting pregnant

14th August 2023

Bylined article by Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund, in Good To Know.

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Starting Fertility Treatment? Professor Geeta Nargund Reveals All

17th July 2023

Bylined article by our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund, in My Baba.

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British Health Care Leaves Women Shamefully Behind

30th June 2023

Bylined article by our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund, in WIRED News.

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Yahoo News

Why being an older dad can be bad for your baby

28th June 2023

“For too long the ‘biological clock’ has been viewed as purely a women’s issue. But older paternal age not only leads to a decline in fertility but can also cause an increased risk of mental health and developmental disorders in their offspring.". says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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Want to have a child with a clever man? Prepare to wait

28th June 2023

"There should be ‘no illusion about the impact of increased age on the fertility of both men and women’. For guys, it’s all about the ‘quality and quantity’ of sperm". says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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The I

IVF postcode lottery: Same-sex couples still being forced to spend up to £25k despite pledge to fix system

25th May 2023

The number of IVF cycles funded by the NHS for same-sex couples is “unacceptably low” says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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The Guardian Logo

Male GPs in England less likely to refer patients for IVF, report finds

19th May 2023

“There is also significant inconsistency and misunderstanding in how GPs are interpreting Nice guidelines suggests that even couples who are entitled to NHS-funded fertility treatment might be missing out.” says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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FAMILY: The Fertility Expert

19th May 2023

Our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund offers invaluable insights into the complex relationship between fertility and athletic pursuits.

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People Management

One in four women experience unfair treatment at work after disclosing fertility issues, study reveals

25th April 2023

“Unfortunately, despite positive developments with some employers, and political action to tackle the issue, many reproductive health issues are still not given sufficient support in the workplace,” says Professor Geeta Nargund.

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Why Young People Need To Learn About Fertility Now More Than Ever

20th April 2023

Our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund discusses Why Young People Need To Learn About Fertility Now More Than Ever.

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The Times News Logo

My dream of affordable IVF became a real family business

2nd April 2023

Q&A with our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund.

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How to End Bias and Taboos in Women’s Health Care

29th March 2023

Our Medical Director Professor Geeta Nargund was on WIRED Health's Panel last week discussing the future of women’s healthcare.

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Why employers must step up around menopause

1st February 2023

Comments from Our Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund on Unleash latest article 'Why employers must step up around menopause, even if governments fail to act'.

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"It’s another nail in the coffin" Three women reveal exactly why we need a UK menopause law

30th January 2023

Our Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund discusses the hardships Women experiencing menopause face in the workplace.

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Anything Goes (1)

Considering IVF? Here’s What You Need to Know

25th January 2023

Our Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund: talks through the role IVF can play, the different options of IVF treatment and the importance of building a support network when going through this journey.

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The Guradian News Logo

UK maternity care is in a bad state – and Black women suffer the most

18th January 2023

A letter from our Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund in The Guardian: 'Recent reports from the CQC and MBRRACE-UK paint a shocking picture of deteriorating women’s health services. The government must act now', says Prof Geeta Nargund.

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Daily Mail Newspaper

How Covid pandemic led to a boom in young women who freeze their eggs by increasing concerns over ticking body-clock

18th January 2023

Comments from our Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund on the Daily Mail latest article: 'How Covid pandemic led to a boom in young women who freeze their eggs by increasing concerns over ticking body-clock'.

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The cost off living crisis is making it even harder for same-sex couples to access IVF

9th July 2022

Professor Geeta Nargund says “immediate action must be taken to help queer couples access treatment.”

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London Daily News Logo

New data reveals IVF Price Variance of up to 140% across London

4th July 2022

A new study reveals abc ivf, the country’s lowest-cost private IVF provider, charges patients £2,000 for a single cycle of IVF, excluding the cost of medication, at all its UK locations, including London.

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How the pandemic hurt IVF patients

22nd May 2022

abc ivf patients, Megan & Chris shared their story of how they faced with severe delays to their IVF treatment on the NHS due to the pandemic & finally found hope with abc ivf.

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Outnews Global Logo

It’s time for equal access to IVF treatment for LGBTQ+ women

20th May 2022

Professor Geeta Nargund's discusses the importance of why same-sex couples need equal access to IVF treatment in this latest OutNews Global article.

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IVF Babble Logo

Professor Geeta Nargund calling for more affordable IVF

10th January 2022

We must do more to improve the affordability and accessibility of IVF treatment for all women and couples says Professor Geeta Nargund in the latest IVF Babble article.

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The Guardian News

Cost remains a barrier for women wanting to freeze their eggs

3rd October 2021

Storage must be made more affordable to give all women reproductive choice, not just the rich, writes our Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund in the Guardian.

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There’s a gay tax on NHS fertility treatment

10th June 2021

“It’s vital that NICE guidelines on fertility treatment for same-sex couples are updated, she says – but for the postcode lottery to end across the board, we need an overhaul of the NHS system." says Professor Geeta Nargund

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The devastating cost of fertility treatment

24th May 2021

Professor Geeta Nargund is calling for the creation of a centralised system that ensures women have equal opportunity to access NHS-funded IVF treatment no matter where they live.

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Mother denied NHS IVF after moving GP

24th August 2020

Samantha & Tommy Anderson were rejected by the NHS for IVF treatment after switching GP's but now have baby Alfie all thanks to abc ivf Harley Street.

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Coronavirus is robbing women of their chance to become mothers

20th April 2020

The trauma and distress of suspending IVF treatments simply cannot be underestimated, Professor Geeta Nargund writes.

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All IVF is suspended, but what impact is it having on women?

20th April 2020

Prof. Geeta Nargund says the treatment suspension has been particularly hard for women who have waited a long time for IVF.

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IVF success for couple rejected by the NHS

5th February 2019

Carly & Liam were rejected by the NHS for IVF treatment but now have baby Havana all thanks to abc ivf.

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NHS IVF funding cuts are unfair

21st August 2018

Praful Nargund, previous CEO of abc ivf, spoke to That's Manchester TV urging the governing bodies that control local NHS budgets to refrain from slashing IVF funding.

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Falling birthrates call for more accessible fertility treatment

18th June 2018

abc ivf offers low-cost treatments to a growing number of reproductively challenged customers.

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Cost saving IVF technology featured in the Science Museum

6th June 2018

We are very proud and honoured to announce that abc ivf’s revolutionary ‘Shoebox IVF’ technology will be on display at the Science Museum's exhibition - IVF: 6 Million Babies Later.

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The mother and son delivering cut-price IVF

13th March 2018

The hope is patients will not need to go for cheaper, riskier treatment abroad.

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Clinics see potential growth in IVF

19th February 2018

A drop in the level of NHS funding for IVF treatment is driving a boom in the private sector.

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The cheapest and most expensive places to have IVF in the UK

2nd February 2018

abc ivf has conducted a study into the prices of private IVF treatment across the UK.

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Huge disparity revealed in the cost of private IVF treatment

2nd January 2018

Some IVF patients are being charged more than three times as much as others.

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The IVF postcode lottery

2nd January 2018

Thousands of private patients are being charged more than 3 times extra for blood tests, drugs and consultations.

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The funding of IVF treatment by the NHS

2nd November 2017

There is a fundamental deficit of IVF pricing knowledge within the NHS.

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New 'shoebox' IVF treatment offered in UK for first time

17th October 2017

Doctors hope the treatment could do away with the need for expensive laboratories, bringing down costs for patients and the NHS.

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New IVF treatment will halve cost, says expert bringing it to London

5th October 2017

Professor Geeta Nargund said she wanted to improve access to IVF treatment as cuts to NHS funding increase.

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